Degree planning made simple for UCSC Students.
Undergraduate Degree planning can be a hassle. We make it easy.

Everything you need to plan your degree.
We simplify the degree planning process by bringing course search, catalog planners, GE checking, credit checking, and major verification into one place.
Build on offical UCSC curriculum charts for your major.

Made by students, for students.
A platform made by UCSC students, crowdsourced by UCSC students.
Tailor your plan to your needs.
Transfer student? Going abroad? No problem. Add your own custom courses into your degree plan.

Verify your plan.
With our major progress system, we check that you have all your GEs, necessary credits and meet your major/minor requirements.

Share your plan with your advisor, friends, or family members.
Export your plan to a PDF or share it in website with other users. Seemlessly import plans from other students.

Tailor your plan to your needs.
Transfer student? Going abroad? No problem. Add your own custom courses into your degree plan.
Verify your plan.
With our major progress system, we check that you have all your GEs, necessary credits and meet your major/minor requirements.
Share your plan with your advisor, friends, or family members.
Export your plan to a PDF or share it in website with other users. Seemlessly import plans from other students.

Get started today
It’s time to take control of your schedule. Plan your courses and stay on track to graduate.
Try it out now
Frequently asked questions
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team and if you’re lucky someone will get back to you.
How many majors have Major Verification?
Unfortunately the process of adding verification data for each major is a manual process. Luckily we have built a crowdsourcing system where students can help contribute this valuable data and help more students verify their majors.
How accurate is Major Verification?
Unfortunately given the complexities of Major Requirements for some majors, we cannot provide 100% accurate verification. The accuracy and issues are documented in the notes for the requirements for each major.
How do I learn how to use SlugPath?
We've worked hard to ensure that SlugPath is as intuitive as possible, but we recognize that it can be difficult to get used to a new system. That why we've created this demo video demonstrating all of our features.
Can I help make SlugPath better?
You can! We would love your feedback through our red Feedback button, or through your help collecting Major Requirement data for each major. If you are a UCSC staff member please reach out to us at about becoming an administrator.